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A headset is a head-mounted gadget that can display visuals to the user. It has a display and 3D tracking for updating the contents of the display.

Headsets have been called many things, including VR headsets, AR headsets, and MR headsets.

To build a headset, the following are required:

  • display source such as an LCD
  • optional optics
  • optional driver electronics
  • physical housing
  • 6DOF tracking sensor or SLAM system


A housing can be 3D printed.

Screws and fasteners can be bought from McMaster-Carr.

Square nuts are recommended.

Facial comfort has traditionally been done with foam.

For comfort, a halo headband style is recommended, where the headset primarily rests on the forehead and the back of the head. The forehead part should be curved and at a 45 degree angle upwards in the "nodding" axis.

Cloth is an option for padding.

3D tracking[edit]

3D tracking for a headset needs to be extremely stable.
